Bekki the Fairy talks to Obi and Titi

Bekki the Fairy meets Obi and Titi

Headshots little girl fairy and a boy and girl.

Bekki: Hello Obi and Titi. I am Bekki the Fairy. I am delighted to meet you both.

Titi: Wow, so fairies really do exist?! That is so cool!

Obi: Can you fly? I want to see, I want to see! I have a monkey called Mumu and he can talk but he can’t fly, oh!

Girl in pilot uniform
Anyone here who can’t fly?

Titi: Obi, Mumu is no longer your monkey. Remember, he ran off and the talking thing is meant to be a secret.

*Titi rolls her eyes*

Titi: It’s really nice to meet you too Bekki. Please carry on, don’t mind him.

Bekki: Is it true your story happens in Africa in the olden historical days?

Titi: Yes, it’s based in the 15th century in a place called the Benin Kingdom.

Obi: Yes, it was a great empire which is located where present-day Nigeria is.

Bekki: This is a question for Titi. Are you really a princess?

Nigerian girl in a patterned mini dress

Obi: Oh, oh! Now you’re in trouble, fairy girl. She doesn’t like being called a princess, do you Royal Princess Titilayo? Hahaha.

Titi: It’s okay. Yes, I am but I’m no different from anybody else. Obi reminds me of that every day.

 Obi: Yes, I do, oh. In fact, it is my royal duty hehehe…..

Bekki: I come from London but I am a mixture of Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, Portugal and Scotland. Are you a mixture?

Obi: Nope. I’m pure Obi and she is pure Titi!

A Nigerian girl and boy with their arms crossed like characters from the movie Black Panther

Titi: Don’t mind him, he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Our creator wanted to mix things up a little so he gave me a Yoruba name and Obi is Igbo. Research shows that the Benin Kingdom, at the time, was very mixed as there were so many different groups of people living there from all over.

Bekki: If I did a magic spell to go to Nigeria would I be able to see the hidden Temple of Ogisu?

*Obi laughs *

Obi: Of course not, its hidden and it’s really, really hard to find, but if you grant me a couple of wishes I might show it to you.

Titi: Obi you are so rude! Don’t give him anything. You probably shouldn’t have granted him this interview. He is going to spoil it!

Nigerian boy and girl standing in a forest of lush palm trees - a monkey is hiding in the corner.
Adventure happens whether or not Obi and Titi want it.

Bekki: Who wrote a book about you and why?

Obi: Oh, I know this one. Can I answer? Can I?

Titi: It was Mr O T Begho and he wrote about us and our adventure for two main reasons. One was the lack of black characters in books, educational material, cartoons and games. The second was to give a more factual and positive representation of African history and culture.

Obi: I was gonna say that!

Five book covers are shown with a blank space for a sixth book.
Dive in!

Bekki: Did you like having a pet monkey, Obi?

Obi: No! He is an olè!

Titi: Sorry, that means thief and he isn’t. He is just misunderstood.

Obi: Really? What about when he stole my birthday presents or the time we caught him with a bag full of gold in the temple.

Titi: Err…. maybe we should move to the next question.

Bekki: I do skipping and I like rhyming songs. Have you got any good ones to share with me, please?

Obi: I do.

I once met a fairy,
that said that she could fly,
But when I pushed her off a cliff,
She fell straight down and

Titi: Obi stop it!
*Titi covers his mouth*

Bekki: If you were a toys would you be an action hero, a cuddly plush toy or a paper doll with loads of outfits?

A patterned card with a Nigerian boy running towards the viewer

Titi: We would be action heroes. We really love a good adventure and somehow we’ve become quite good at getting ourselves out of trouble.

*Titi is still covering Obi’s mouth but he nods in agreement. *

Bekki: Will you be in more books?

Obi: Mr Begho has nearly finished book 6 and I think that’s the end of the series. I have big prospects though. I’m going to be in a computer game or even a movie.

Book cover laid flat showing front and back. A boy and girl raise their firsts while a monkey watches them.
Book 6 is nearly ready!

Titi: I want him to continue writing. I have an idea I want to pitch to him but Obi thinks it’s silly. Why just write about the Benin Kingdom? You see, we have this travellers pendant and it’s magical and can take us anywhere, as long as we can find Okuta dust to power it. So, we could travel to other African Kingdoms and continue our adventure there.

Obi: Boring.

Bekki: No, it’s not.  Imagine all the princess dresses you would see!   It has been cool talking to you, Obi and Titi. Can we be friends?

Titi: Yes, of course. I love fairies.
Obi: Nope

Bekki: Shhhh, Obi! I want to tell people about your cool website

Ahem, even though Obi and Titi are in historical books they use the most modern technology. They have games, videos, Mr Begho doing a rap and all sorts of books and things on their website,  I like the photobombs! Come on Titi, let’s have a dance and sing Let it Go.